Dry February in Cloth Diapers

Dry February in Cloth Diapers | Bamboolik 

Dry February in Cloth Diapers

“Staying dry” are keywords of February*! At Bamboolik, we’ve decided to jump on the trend and talk about how cloth diapers manage to keep your baby’s bum DRY. In cloth diapers!

* P.S.: Some countries prefer to follow Dry January, to abstain from alcohol after the holidays, however we Czechs are cunning and hence decided to follow Dry February instead, as it is the shortest month of the year ;-)

Keeping Babies’ Bums Dry in Cloth Diapers

Marketing agencies have spent years trying to persuade us that only disposable diapers can keep your baby’s bum nicely dry. Not quite! Cloth diapers can also manage that. The miraculous layer is called the Stay-Dry layer. Here is all you need to know about it.

Apart from cloth diapers, the almighty Stay-Dry layer is also present on our reusable panty liners and washable nursing pads.

Why Is It Important to Keep Your Baby’s Bum Dry

Most newborns hate it when their diaper’s wet. Once they pee in their diaper, they start to fidget and cry. That’s why every parent of a newborn embarks on a quest: keeping the bum dry. For the sake of their baby’s comfort — and their own comfort as well.

But there’s more to it than “just” comfort. For babies with sensitive skin, wet diapers can cause various skin irritations — ranging from redness that goes away on its own to a more stubborn diaper rash. In those cases, it’s even more important to divert wetness away from the skin.

This is even more valid for the night! Often, babies stop pooping at night when they’re 2–3 months old — which means you can say goodbye to diaper changes at night and overnight diapers come into play. These are made to be extremely absorbing — lasting up to 12 hours, guarding the peaceful sleep of babies and their parents. You definitely don’t want your baby to wake up at night just because their diaper is wet! But 12 hours is A LOT — even if your baby doesn’t have overly sensitive skin, exposing it to wetness for such a long time may cause slight irritation. That’s why making your baby’s bum comfy & dry at night is key.

Night Fitted Diaper I Bamboolik

Stay-Dry Layer a Day Makes All Wetness Go Away

As hinted above, the Stay-Dry layer is the solution to keep wetness away from skin. It’s usually made of fleece which lets liquids through, directing them underneath, to other absorbing layers of the diaper. The trick is that fleece doesn’t absorb liquids into its fibres (as most fabrics do).

Due to this quality, fleece effectively diverts wetness away from skin and keeps the bum dry. Sometimes, when touching a used diaper with a Stay-Dry layer, you may even feel as if the diaper is not wet at all! True story.

Stay-Dry Layer on Cloth Diapers

Stay-Dry layer can be an integral part of a cloth diaper or can be added separately as a diaper separation liner.

Stay-Dry Layer as an Integral Part of Cloth Diapers

Integrated Stay-Dry layer can be found on many cloth diapers. In our book, it’s a must for night diapers — as we explained above, dry bum at night is extremely important. Our Night Fitted Diapers keep babies dry for up to 12 hours.

Our Pocket Diapers also come with an integrated Stay-Dry layer. It’s on one side of the pocket diaper absorbing insert. If you want your baby to feel comfortably dry in their Pocket Diaper, simply lay the absorbing insert ON the pocket, don’t put it inside. If you don’t want to use the Stay-Dry layer (for example when your baby is potty training and you want them to feel wet), tuck the entire absorbing insert in the pocket of your Pocket Diaper.

All absorbing inserts for our AI2 DUO Diaper System have an integrated Stay-Dry layer. In this system, you choose the size of the absorbing insert for your Diaper Covers according to the age of your baby — and it’s also up to you to choose whether you want your baby to feel dry or not. Just turn the Stay-Dry layer up or Stay-Dry layer down.

Stay-Dry Diaper Liners

Fleece Diaper Liners are a very variable and also very affordable option for any cloth diaper user. You can put them on the most common prefolds — and dry bum is guaranteed! Stay-Dry diaper liners can be washed together with other cloth diapers, and you don’t even need to tumble dry them — as their fibres don’t absorb any liquids, they’re dry within an hour.

Just a reminder here in relation to Stay-Dry diaper liners: When using absorbing inserts with an integrated Stay-Dry layer, don’t use Stay-Dry separation liners on top of them. As fleece doesn’t absorb liquids into its fibres, it takes a moment for it to let liquids through. Two Stay-Dry layers on top of each other may slow down the absorbing process so much that the diaper might leak around the legs. If you want to benefit from using separation liners (they make it easier to dispose of the diaper’s content), choose disposable diaper liners instead.

Fleece Separation Liners I Bamboolik

Fleece Gussets on Diaper Covers, Fitted Diapers, and Pocket Diapers

We use fleece to line the gussets of our Diaper Covers, Pocket Diapers, and Fitted Diapers. Apart from keeping the diaper hems dry (thus preventing leaks), it’s super soft and comfortable around babies’ chubby legs.

Stay-Dry Layer on Reusable Panty Liners

Fleece stays dry which means it’s water-repellent. That’s why we put it on our reusable panty liners. They’re designed for days with light menstrual flow or to be used on a daily basis if that’s your preference.

Stay-Dry layer is on the bottom side of the panty liner which is meant to be touching your underwear. It keeps moisture locked inside the liner, making the liner perfectly breathable, comfortable, and healthy to wear.

By the way, reusable panty liners are a great choice for those who suffer from incontinence.

Stay-Dry Layer on Reusable Nursing Pads

Stay-Dry layer keeps a mother’s breasts dry — our reusable nursing pads are a must-have for every breastfeeding mum. We offer two types of nursing pads — the ones with Stay-Dry layer are a great fit for light “milk leaks”. For more heavy leaks, pick nursing pads with a fully waterproof PUL layer.

Reusable Nursing Pads I Bamboolik

→Any questions about the Stay-Dry layer? Feel free to call us or drop us a line — either use the chat on this site, send us an e-mail or hop on social media to get in touch. Happy to help!